I'm an Assistant Professor at Western University, Faculty of Law, cross-appointed to Philosophy.
My main research project is about the law and political philosophy of voluntary associations, such as clubs, churches, unions and political parties, and how they intersect with the (mandatory) authority of the state. I've written about the legal personality of groups, and am working on papers about procedural fairness in associations and when courts should resolve religious disputes. Building on this work, I'm particularly interested in exploring associative forms of ownership, such as commons, corporate property and public ownership, as well as political projects that involve them.
My dissertation was about the idea that thinking has to be logical to be thinking at all, and I've published papers about why we should think logically and what happens when we produce nonsense.
Drawing on my background in philosophy of logic and language, I also have an ongoing research project about legal reasoning. I've written about how legal fictions work and am writing a paper about the logical aspects of fundamental legal changes, such as revolutions and constitutional reform.
You can email me at moza@uwo.ca. I'm also on PhilPapers and Google Scholar.
Here is my academic CV. Click here to see what I'm reading.